Relentless Student Leader Application

Matthew 20:25-28, But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Relentless is looking for servant leaders willing to step out of their comfort zone and participate in youth group on a whole new level. We are looking for students who want to be challenged to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus. We are looking for those who will take ownership of the youth group and help make it better. For those who want to be obedient to Christ and participate in advancing His Kingdom.

Are you ready for the challenge? Please read the following requirements and expectations, and if you are interested in becoming a student leader, fill out the application below.


The following are requirements that need to be met for leadership consideration:

  • Are in or entering 11th or 12th grade
  • Have attended Relentless for at least 6 months.
  • Be a born-again Christian, and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Demonstrate some leadership qualities
  • Demonstrate respect for authority


These are some of the activities in which student leaders will be expected to participate:

  • Meet as a team once a month
  • Plan one evangelism outreach event per school year (as a team)
  • Plan one community serving event per year (as a team)
  • Participate in serving at Wednesday youth meetings. Possible areas of service include:
    • Graphics Sound Photos/video
    • Cleaning up/moving chairs
    • Café
    • Welcoming
    • Assist with games
  • Intentionally welcome new students and visitors
  • Look for those who need a friend - get outside of your friend group
  • Lead by example, live above reproach.
  • Don’t go along with compromising behavior.
  • Be bold and step out in faith Prioritize growing in your relationship with God beyond just Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.
  • (Possibly) share a devotional, a teaching, or your testimony with your small group, or a larger group
  • (Possibly) read through a book about leadership

Student Leader Application

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    You may select more than one.
  • “I have read the above requirements and expectations. I have also answered these questions to the best of my ability and knowledge.”
  • Clear Signature
Relentless Youth Group is led by Chris and Rachel Reitz, along with a team of dedicated youth leaders.


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