Although He reaches out to the individual, He has always intended to have a people—a family united by His Fatherhood. It’s clear from the Bible that, through the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross, God brings us into relationship not only with Himself, but also with one another. Our Sunday morning meetings and other large gatherings help us to recognize and appreciate our oneness and common purpose, but they’re not necessarily the best environment for developing close relationships, or for helping one another to outwork that purpose. Homegroups are ideal for this.
What happens in Homegroups
Our homegroups are essentially small groups (ranging in size from 10 to 20 people) that meet in homes, usually on a weekday evening. In the informal atmosphere of the home, we can talk about what God is teaching us (individually and corporately), study the Bible, pray together, worship God in song, support and encourage one another, help with practical needs… the list goes on! Homegroups often engage together in service projects in the church, reach out to the local community, and hold special events for their families, friends, and neighbors.
Many people have experienced true Christianity for the first time by participating in some aspect of the life of homegroups. Many churches provide small groups as an option, but we place a high priority on homegroups and encourage everyone in the church to be part of one.